Ranger based suggesions (Pets and traps)
I have a number of suggesions based on ranger skills.
1) Make traps visible to the rangers, or even visible to the whole party. That would make them infanitly more usuable, without actually adding anything to their strength. It would also give some more stategy to the pvp game and involve rangers more in team matches.
2) Please can we have more control over our pets. At the moment they seem to be even worse than a henchman, as if your target dies, it doesn't even move on to another target until you switch targets. Also if you stop attacking, then so will the pet. At least that's how I've seen it.
3) Show pet damages and heals as if they were being done on or by you. I'd love it if I could see the little numbers pinging over the creatures head that my pet was attacking. Maybe then I'd be able to shake the feeling that it doesn't actually do any damage at all.
4) Improve the pet skills, I think some of them are very dodgy and don't quite work as told. They are hard to check to see if they're working, and this may be the problem, but someone suggested that they have poor times for bleeding, and I have a feeling that some of the other pet skills do strange things (like if you press two pet skills at once the pet seems to ignore them)
5) Put the degen status effect colours on monster health bars that are above their heads. That would make it so much easier to just look which monsters are poisoned in a group.